Online coffee mornings connect Cornwall residents

Our partners at Volunteer Cornwall and Coastline Housing teamed up to start a new online Community Coffee Morning every Wednesday.

With Coronavirus restrictions, the Coastline team weren't able to visit people at home like they used to. With expertise from Volunteer Cornwall, the team started a new online Community Coffee Morning so that residents and staff could interact digitally and stay connected.

Now, over 10 people regularly attend the events sharing that they find these informal meets very reassuring especially during the pandemic, helping to ease feelings of social isolation.

Creating a fun and informal space to connect

The team wanted to make sure that the new online community was fun, welcoming and informal, so that people could talk openly and steer the topic of conversation.

The new online space included a regular online meeting on Zoom and a community forum where people could start conversations about anything they like, from books and reading, to music and sports. The forum also provided a space where Coastline could share valuable resources with residents.

Supporting people to get online

Before starting the coffee mornings, the team asked which customers needed extra support and encouragement to set up and login to the events online. Tamsyn Pegler and Phil Gilbert both provided support to help more people get involved.

One customer is now such an advocate of the coffee mornings she tries to encourage more residents to attend so they too can get the benefits of keeping in touch online!

Has the online community made a difference to people?

The weekly events have been really successful and are growing in numbers. It's been particularly great for customers who are feeling isolated and in need of some company.

By making the community a fun and informal place to be, conversations have flowed organically, with more and more people joining the network to learn new skills and knowledge.

What will the Coffee Morning make a difference long term?

Once Coronavirus restrictions are eased, Coastline Housing plan to start moving to face to face coffee mornings but will keep the online forum and some online events for people who like to engage online. This will help to ensure the community continues to grow so that more people can get involved, stay connect and access support.

If you’re interested in starting your own online community, read our recent blog post for some top tips.


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